Arizona Methamphetamine Trafficking
Have Our Experienced Phoenix Drug Crime Lawyer on Your Side
Methamphetamine is one of the main drug threats to Arizona. Due to the high purity, low cost, and constant availability of the drug, it is abused throughout the state, prompting state and federal law enforcement to heavily punish those who sell, transport, or manufacture methamphetamine.
At Jason D. Lamm Attorney at Law, our Phoenix drug crime lawyer provides his clients with aggressive and personalized legal representation in order to obtain the most favorable results possible. With more than 25 years of experience, he has a comprehensive understanding of state and federal law to help protect your rights, reputation, and freedom. Let us begin your case today.
State and Federal Methamphetamine Trafficking Penalties
According to Arizona law, if you are convicted of transport of sale, import into this state, offer to transport for sale or import into this state, sell, transfer, or offer to sell or transfer methamphetamine, you will be charged with a Class 2 felony. This felony is punishable by a mandatory prison sentence between 5 and 15 years.
However, a person charged with methamphetamine trafficking can be subject to federal penalties as well, depending on the amount of the illegal drug was in their possession upon arrest. If you have been caught with 50 grams of methamphetamine with at least an 80% purity (ice), even a first offense still requires mandatory minimum federal prison sentence not less than 10 years.
You Have Questions, We Have AnswersWe have compiled some of the most frequently asked questions that we receive and have provided the answers below to help you better understand your case.
Are You a Professional Who Has Been Arrested?Let our firm choreograph your defense and assist with your professional or licensing issues.

Services Tailored to Results You Want
Jason Lamm | Phoenix Criminal Attorney
For more than 25 years, Jason Lamm has established himself as Phoenix's go-to criminal defense attorney. Hear from Jason about what drives him to passionately represent the little guy, the big fish, and everyone in between.
Jason Lamm Attorney at Law:
N. 7th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85006
25+ Years of Experience
When it comes to drug trafficking charges, there is no time to waste because your future is on the line. As a former prosecutor, our Phoenix drug crime lawyer can anticipate how the prosecution will approach your case in state or federal court. He can conduct an investigation into your case, gather crucial evidence, and use his team of professional experts and resources in order to develop a relentless and customized criminal defense strategy for you.
Contact our firm and schedule your consultation with our Phoenix drug crime attorney today.
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