Cocaine Trafficking in Arizona
Understanding Arizona Drug Trafficking Laws
While the days of Studio 54 are long gone, cocaine is still very much a thing. In Arizona, state and federal courts, criminal charges surrounding cocaine focus on conspiracy to distribute the drug and transportation of narcotic drugs for sale. And while marijuana possession is being legalized and decriminalized in some states, cocaine distribution is still prosecuted very aggressively and punished at the harshest of levels allowable under the law.
If you are currently under investigation for, or have been charged with cocaine trafficking in Arizona, our Phoenix drug crime lawyer provides legal representation to either have your case dismissed or have your charges and possible penalties substantially reduced. With nearly 25 years of experience, Attorney Lamm has helped countless clients with devastating criminal charges by protecting their rights, reputations, and freedom.
Let our attorneys help you navigate Arizona drug trafficking laws. Contact us online or call (602) 663-9100 today!
Penalties for Cocaine Trafficking in Arizona Superior Court
Trafficking Cocaine in Arizona state courts is usually prosecuted under the charges of Transportation of Narcotic Drugs for Sale or Possession of Narcotic Drugs for Sale. Either way, the charge is considered a class 2 felony offense. Arizona statutes also create “threshold amounts” of cocaine which require mandatory prison sentences. For example, if someone is convicted of possession of narcotic drugs for sale, and the amount of cocaine was more than 9 grams (just a little more than a ¼ ounce), the offense is punishable by a mandatory sentence in the Arizona state prison sentence between 3 and 12.5 years.
You Have Questions, We Have AnswersWe have compiled some of the most frequently asked questions that we receive and have provided the answers below to help you better understand your case.
Are You a Professional Who Has Been Arrested?Let our firm choreograph your defense and assist with your professional or licensing issues.

Services Tailored to Results You Want
Jason Lamm | Phoenix Criminal Attorney
For more than 25 years, Jason Lamm has established himself as Phoenix's go-to criminal defense attorney. Hear from Jason about what drives him to passionately represent the little guy, the big fish, and everyone in between.
Jason Lamm Attorney at Law:
N. 7th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85006
Begin Your Defense for Drug Trafficking in Arizona Today
When the charges you face are this serious, it’s imperative to obtain the most experienced and skilled legal services possible. As a former prosecutor, Attorney Lamm understands how the prosecution will approach your case, which gives his clients the advantage of knowing what they are up against. As a member of various drug and criminal defense related associations, he is one of the few lawyers in Arizona who has access to specialized resources in order to best serve his clients who are charged with cocaine trafficking and related offenses. Get the justice you deserve.
Charged with drug trafficking in Arizona? Contact us and request a consultation from our Phoenix drug crime lawyer today.
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