It never fails. On any holiday that involves drinking - for example, Halloween, some genius in Phoenix will have one too many and decide that getting a prostitute is a good idea. After a quick scan of Craigslist or Backpage, the inebriated Halloween reveler will make contact with what is likely an undercover police officer in hopes of having some ill-advised drunken sex. We all know how this situation will turn out. The drunken guy will go to a hotel room and get comfortable, only to have the mood (and his libido) killed by armed police officers storming the room and arresting him.
He is one of the lucky ones. Others will get a real live prostitute who won't get them arrested, but instead, will be part of a robbery set up. If the guy is lucky, the only thing he'll lose is his wallet.
In efforts to make sure that everyone has a safe Halloween, here's some helpful tips and facts about prostitution in Phoenix to help you enjoy the night:
- When looking at ads on Backpage and Craiglist, if the girl in the picture is too attractive, she's a cop. In fact, if she has teeth, she's probably a cop.
- Even a first offense for prostitution carries a mandatory minimum 14-day jail term.
- If you don't get arrested by an undercover cop, you have a 60% chance of getting robbed.
- If you do get arrested, there's a very good chance that your mugshot will land on the internet.
Trick or treating is about kids, candy, and fun. If you find yourself looking for love on Halloween night, stay away from internet prostitution or a hangover will be the least of your problems. For those who don't follow this advice, we can still help. With over 25 years of experience in defending sex crime, we have successfully defended numerous clients charged with prostitution and other sex crimes.
If you or someone you know finds themselves in trouble on Halloween in Phoenix and facing criminal charges, give us at call at (602) 663-9100. We can help.