Phoenix Domestic Violence Lawyer
Turn To Our Defense Attorney When Charged With Domestic Violence in Arizona
Arizona law classifies an offense as domestic violence if the accused and the victim have a certain relationship, such as a spouse, child, roommate, partner, or family member. When you face charges of domestic violence, it is important to retain legal counsel as soon as possible.
At Jason D. Lamm Attorney at Law, our Phoenix criminal defense lawyer will help you understand your case and build a strong defense.Attorney Lamm has over 25 years of criminal trial experience, much of this taking place on the side of the prosecution of major felony cases. This means that with Attorney Lamm, you have counsel that is always one step ahead of the prosecution and truly dedicated to a real positive result in your case.
Contact us for your confidential case review by calling (602) 663-9100.
Domestic Violence Charges
The term domestic violence offense is quite misleading as many do not involve any violence at all. Many domestic violence 'crimes' result from the violation of an order of protection (restraining order). Some allegations of a violation of an order of protection are innocuous, such as a late phone call to a child or even a benign text message. Because Arizona law makes it very difficult to have custody of one's child if they are convicted of a domestic violence offense, false allegations are unfortunately made for tactical reasons on an all-too-frequent basis.
Why You Need Legal Counsel
What makes domestic violence cases different from other types of criminal cases is the fact that a mere allegation can result in you being thrown out of your own home and stripped of your right to possess guns—not to mention loss of child custody or visitation rights in cases involving children. A conviction can also make the loss of the right to possess firearms a near permanent situation under federal law.
You need a legal advocate in Phoenix who can:
- Keep you informed throughout the process
- Take the big picture into consideration
- Advise you on the unforeseen consequences
- Provide guidance every step of the way
You Have Questions, We Have AnswersWe have compiled some of the most frequently asked questions that we receive and have provided the answers below to help you better understand your case.
Are You a Professional Who Has Been Arrested?Let our firm choreograph your defense and assist with your professional or licensing issues.

Services Tailored to Results You Want
Jason Lamm | Phoenix Criminal Attorney
For more than 25 years, Jason Lamm has established himself as Phoenix's go-to criminal defense attorney. Hear from Jason about what drives him to passionately represent the little guy, the big fish, and everyone in between.
Jason Lamm Attorney at Law:
N. 7th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85006
Domestic Violence Attorney Near Me
The fact that a domestic relationship underlies the allegations can result in even harsher penalties upon conviction. Prosecutors are typically not concerned if victims are not willing to cooperate or testify at trial. Some try to coerce or intimidate victims to come to court. This is why retaining an experienced Phoenix domestic violence attorney is vital.
Contact Jason D. Lamm Attorney at Law at (602) 663-9100.
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